Human Rights Department Jobs 2022 // Apply Now
Human Rights Depatment announced the multiple jobs for the citizen of pakistan specially for kpk provinces. The job source of human rights department is mashriq newspaper of pakistan. The human rights department job are posted in january 15 , 2022. The last date of apply of jobs human rights department is 30 january 2022.human rights,human rights commission,state human rights commission,human rights commission india,national human rights commission laxmikant,national human rights commission,national human rights commission psc,qatar 2022,national human rights commission upsc,national human rights commission india,national human rights commission in hindi,national human rights commission questions,qatar world cup 2022 stadiums,qatar world cup 2022,late night human rights department inivites application of different types like naib qasid sweeper mali and manny other. the education required for these jobs is literate. uneducated people can also apply for the post of Class IV. The job location is kpk. all aplicants ,must apply within due date.
Source jobs ;
No of post ;
Last Date ;
30 January 2022
Education Required ;
Literate , Uneducated
Job Location ;
KPK Pakistan
Gender ;
Male/ Female
Department Address ;
Director General Human rights department kpk pakistan
Post Name
- Sweeper
- Naib Qasid
- Mali
Required Document
- Domicile
- Educational Certificates
- Experience Certificates