Kuwait Free work Visa for all Pakistani 2022
Kuwait Free work Visa for all Pakistani 2022
Overseas Employment Corporation of pakistan announced the work visa for all pakistani of Kuwait Middle east. Basically its a its labour visa for all pakistani .Matric pass candidate can apply for these opportunity its a golden chance to go Kuwait and get a job in kuwait. Ministry of Overseas and Humanpower department inivtes application of laboure anf many other in their official ads no 65. interested candidate who want to get this opportunity can register online below in this webpage. candidate must pay the processing fee Rs= 500/- in given bank . Overseas Employment Corporation of pakistan announced the work visa for all pakistani of Kuwait Middle east. Basically its a its labour visa for all pakistani .Matric pass candidate can apply for these opportunity its a golden chance to go Kuwait and get a job in kuwait. Ministry of Overseas and Humanpower department inivtes application of laboure anf many other in their official ads no 65. interested candidate who want to get this opportunity can register online below in this webpage. candidate must pay the processing fee Rs= 500/- in given bank .
Term & Conditions
I. Free sharing status comfort at the association workers dwelling.
ii. Month to month Food allowance.
iii. Free air passage (Economy Class Form beginning spot in Pakistan to Kuwait (name of the city in the host country) including any surface vehicle, if fundamental, and besides for a re-appearance of Pakistan at the hour of expiry of the understanding.
iv. Yearly leave of 30 days in the main year and 30 days in the second year of the arrangement. Give pay to be paid somewhat early
How to Apply
Candidiate can apply online from below buttonππππ
click below for Dwnload Challan Formππππ
After Dwnlaod Challan form pay the Processing Fee Rs= 500/- in any Branch of Habib Bank Limited pakistan. After that upload the soft copy of Paid challan on your online form in Overseas Employment Corporation of pakistan
Official Advertissement
Asalam o alaikum sir am danish from pakistan karachi I need a job am so neede 03343304342 I have experience in Malaysia shipyard and experience in dubai construction company experience in hbl bano experience in honda atlas company e sumblly department experience in sales experience in cashier