
The issue of Palestine is the worst human tragedy

Photo of oawdu oawduJanuary 4, 2022
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 The issue of Palestine is the worst human tragedy.

The question of Palestine b The question of Palestine has become one of the worst human tragedies. Sadly, the “civilized world” has been a silent bystander to the massacre of Palestinians for decades. Gaza and West Jordan are open prisons, but it would be more appropriate to call them broad-based penalties: that prisoners receive food, clothing and medical treatment, and that detainees have access to justice. Caged Palestinians are also deprived of basic human rights. As regards the resolution of the Palestinian question, it does not require any additional commission or negotiations. This problem can be solved if UN resolutions are implemented in their spirit. The extensive coastal population along the Mediterranean Sea from Syria to Egypt is called Palestine. This land covering an area of ​​about 27,000 square kilometers has long been the center of the Prophets and the burial place of the Holy Prophet. In history he is called “Elijah”, in Arabic “Al-Quds” and in Urdu “Bait-ul-Muqaddas”. It is located 52 km from the Mediterranean Sea, 250 km from the Red Sea and 22 km from the Dead Sea. It is located 750 meters above the Mediterranean Sea and 1150 meters above the surface of the Dead Sea. In this regard, the three holy religions of Baitul Muqaddas are respected and revered by Islam, Christianity and Judaism in the eyes of Muslims, because this is the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is their first qiblah and place of ascension. Presented by the great conqueror, Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi said to his soldiers: “Oh, my comrades! Hazrat Umar was the caliph at that time, he went to Jerusalem, Bilal was with him, Hazrat Bilal was so silent after the death of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that people missed his fiery voice. He had abandoned the call to prayer, but when he arrived at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, Hazrat Umar told him: The Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Great Wall of Jerusalem have not heard the call to prayer for a long time. Won’t you give the first call to freedom? For the first time after Hazrat Akram’s death, Hazrat Bilal gave him to Adhan, and when he said that Ashhad is Muhammad Rasool, all the beards in the Al-Aqsa mosque disappeared. It is a shame for Muslims that today they have taken away their first qiblah and the land that was a treasure of blessings. During World War I, December 1917, the British occupied Jerusalem and Palestine, giving the Jews general permission to settle. Under a Judeo-Christian conspiracy, the UN General Assembly fraudulently divided Palestine into Arabs and Jews in November 1947, and when the Jews announced the establishment of Israel on May 14, 1948, the Arab-Israeli war broke out. . As a result of this war, the Israelis occupied 78% of the Palestinian territory, but East Jerusalem (Jerusalem) and the West Bank occupied Jordan. Then, in June 1967, the Israelis occupied the rest of Palestine and Jerusalem. Thus deposited, the first qiblah of the Muslims is still in the possession of the Jews. Efforts to seize part of occupied Jerusalem began in 1948, after which the illegitimate Zionist state began trying to erase the mark on the Islamic holy city of Kahir, which established the city’s Islamic Arab identity. During the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Israel occupied the rest of its eastern part. From that time until today, the campaign to destroy the Islamic gifts of this holy Islamic city has continued. The process of tunneling under the Al-Aqsa Mosque has been going on for some time in the name of the search for the foundations of the Soleimani Temple. At the same time, efforts have been made to make life so difficult for Muslim Arabs living in occupied Jerusalem that they have been forced to flee to other parts of occupied Palestine. Israel’s attempts to distort the Islamic endowment of occupied Jerusalem were also in clear violation of UN and Security Council resolutions, forcing Muslims to buy their properties, demolish them, and replace them with ghettos. More than 40 ghettos have been established so far, with some 200,000 Jews, but Israeli military aggression and the invasion of the first qiblah by extremist Jews have exacerbated the threat. When an Israeli court decides to allow Jews to participate in silent worship at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the dangers to the Al-Aqsa Mosque increase. On the other hand, the continuation of Israel’s expansionist, colonial and colonial tactics, as well as the criminal silence of the Arab countries, is a clear indication that the Zionist state is following a plan to annex western Jordan. In fact, the demolition of Palestinian houses has continued since the Zioni state


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